


Special Report: Questionable Care: Who Is Responsible?

Even in 2020, when many hospitals were refusing non-urgent surgeries, more than 100,000 unnecessary, and potentially harmful procedures were performed on older patients in the USA, according to anaylsis from health think-tank the Lown Institute. "You couldn't go into your local coffee shop, but hospitals brought people in for all kinds of unnecessary procedures," said Vikas Saini, MD, president of the Lown Institute. "The fact that a pandemic barely slowed things down shows just how deeply entrenched overuse is in American healthcare." More

4 Medical Treatments That Are Sometimes Unnecessary

“It’s very easy for doctors and patients to go down the path of doing a medical procedure because it seems like, in theory, it would be safer and better, but that’s not always the case,” says Vikas Saini, MD, a cardiologist and president of the institute. “More medical care isn’t necessarily always better, especially for older adults.” More

Report: Hospitals performed 100K unnecessary surgeries in COVID’s first year. What about Houston?

Texas ranked 47th of 50 states in avoiding unnecessary procedures, according to a report by the Lown Institute, a Massachusetts think tank, which found that hospitals across the country performed about 100,000 unnecessary surgeries in 2020. Unnecessary procedures cost the health care system as much as $101 billion a year in wasted spending, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association. More