2024 BLASR
Learn more about this year’s winner and how to attend the BLASR Award Dinner
The State of Medical Debt in the U.S.
How do we address the growing problem of medical debt in the United States?
2024 Fair Share Results
Are hospitals giving back as much as they take?
2023 Shkreli Awards
The worst in healthcare profiteering and dysfunction
Avoiding Overuse: Coronary Stents
How professional inertia harms patients and wastes billions of dollars
America’s Most Racially Inclusive Hospitals
Socially responsible hospitals serve everyone in their communities.
2023 Social Responsibility Rankings
Which of America’s hospitals performed the best this year?
Pay Equity
How much should we pay nonprofit hospital CEOs? What are we rewarding them for — and what metrics could we base their salaries on instead?
The Lown Institute is a think tank generating bold ideas for a just and caring system for health. more
Vikas Saini
Hospitals behaving badly: UPMC, Texas Children’s spending draws scrutiny
Hospitals in the U.S. are continuing to land in hot water for excessive spending on CEO pay and other extravagances at the same time as they face financial challenges and lay off hundreds. More
Can AI help reduce medical debt? It depends on how hospitals use it…
Could AI and other machine learning help ameliorate our nation’s medical debt crisis—or will it make the problem worse? It all depends on how hospitals use these tools, write Kelsey Chalmers, PhD, our own Director of Research, Data Science at the Lown Institute, and Christopher W. Goodman, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine, in a recent JAMA Internal Medicine viewpoint. More
Cancer screening costs $43 billion – what do we get for that spending?
A new study estimates that the five most common cancer screenings cost $43 billion in 2021. How exactly was this money spent and where might it have gone instead? More