2024 Shkreli Awards
A top ten list of the worst examples of healthcare profiteering and dysfunction each year
Back surgery overuse
200,000 unnecessary procedures at a cost of $2 billion to Medicare
2024 Social Responsibility Rankings
Which of America’s hospitals performed the best this year?
2024 BLASR
Learn more about our most recent winner of the Bernard Lown Award for Social Responsibility, Dr. Lilia Cervantes!
The State of Medical Debt in the U.S.
How do we address the growing problem of medical debt in the United States?
2024 Fair Share Results
Are hospitals giving back as much as they take in tax exemptions?
Avoiding Overuse: Coronary Stents
How professional inertia harms patients and wastes billions of dollars
America’s Most Racially Inclusive Hospitals
Socially responsible hospitals serve everyone in their communities.
Pay Equity
How much should we pay nonprofit hospital CEOs? What are we rewarding them for — and what metrics could we base their salaries on instead?
The Lown Institute is a think tank generating bold ideas for a just and caring system for health. more
Vikas Saini
3 Reasons To Attend the Lown Medical Debt Conference
On May 15, 2025, the Lown Institute will be hosting a one-day, in person conference in Washington, D.C. to discuss the scope, key drivers, and emerging solutions to medical debt in the U.S. Here's why you won't want to miss this event. More
Communities most in need get fewest community benefit dollars from hospitals, study says
A new study in JAMA Health Forum finds that certain communities receive much less community benefit spending from hospitals than others. More
Healthcare corporations spent trillions of dollars on payouts to shareholders, study finds.
It’s well known that America spends more and gets less for its health care dollar than peer countries, and has for a while. Where does all the money go? A recent research letter in JAMA Internal Medicine shows how much of healthcare industry profits are directed to corporate shareholders. More