Bernard Lown Award nominations are open!
Last year, we held our inaugural ceremony for the Bernard Lown Award for Social Responsibility in honor of our courageous founder, Dr. Bernard Lown. On June 7, 2023, we will be hosting the 2nd annual Bernard Lown Award ceremony, and we need your help identifying the winner!
The Bernard Lown Award for Social Responsibility was created in honor of our founder, Dr. Bernard Lown. Dr. Lown was an inspiration by standing up against racial injustice, nuclear war, and the industrialization of healthcare. He demonstrated both the vision to see the healthcare system as it is, as well as the courage to take a stand and the confidence the lead the way.
“As the guardians of health, we can’t look away.”
Our 2022 winner truly embodied Dr. Lown’s activist spirit, identifying a severe problem in her community and demanding a solution. Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha is a pediatrician, author, and activist best known for her role in uncovering the Flint Water Crisis. Despite threats to her career, Dr. Hanna-Attisha stood up for her community and, in the process, inspired physicians across the nation.

We’re looking for young clinicians like Dr. Lown and Dr. Hanna-Attisha who lead the way towards a more just and caring healthcare system. To be eligible, candidates must be 1) age 45 or younger 2) work as a clinician in the United States, and 3) stand out for their bold leadership in social justice, environmentalism, global peace, or other notable humanitarian efforts. Nominations are open until March 1, 2023.