What’s the harm in excessive cancer screening?
Not only does too much cancer screening lead to false positives and overtreatment, it can also skew our data. More
Not only does too much cancer screening lead to false positives and overtreatment, it can also skew our data. More
Opioids aren't the only drug being dangerously overprescribed... More
Why the new lower blood pressure target could be harmful to patients... More
Does value-based care stand a chance against the fee-for-service Goliath? More
Every day is Halloween for pharma marketers... More
Medical overuse is just as much a problem in children's health care as it is for adults, so why isn't there more recognition of this issue? More
Fee-for-service drives overuse and high costs, but what's the alternative? Maryland may have the answer. More
Researchers and advocates are up in arms over a new review of Hepatitis C treatments. But look who's funding each side... More
From industry payments to kickbacks, corruption is everywhere in health care. And it comes at a high cost to patient safety. More
An Interview with Patty Gabow Keeping the Patient at the Center in Hospital Administration Patricia A. Gabow, MD, MACP is Professor Emerita of Medicine at the University of Colorado and the former CEO of Denver Health. She is the author of more than 130 articles, 36 books and book chapters, and a recent book, The Lean Prescription: Powerful […] More
What do you do when your patient’s well-being is threatened by rules beyond your control? More
When Julie Martinez was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, she started doing research on overdiagnosis, and was shocked by what she found... More