How top ranked hospitals are giving back to their communities
We asked top Fair Share hospitals to tell us about one community benefit program that was particularly impactful this year -- here’s what they said... More
We asked top Fair Share hospitals to tell us about one community benefit program that was particularly impactful this year -- here’s what they said... More
Communities invest in their local nonprofit hospitals through big tax breaks. Are hospitals giving back their fair share in return? To find out, the Lown Institute analyzed hospital community investments compared to the value of their tax breaks—what we call “Fair Share Spending.” More
A crucial part of hospitals’ social mission is providing care to all who need it, regardless of their ability to pay. But is that actually happening? More
What is the hospital community benefit standard and why is it getting so much attention? If you want to get up to date fast on this key health policy issue, we've got you covered... More
Nonprofit hospitals receive substantial tax breaks worth tens of billions each year. But how many hospitals actually give back to communities as much as they receive in tax benefits? More
A recent report revealed a plurality of hospital board members come from the Financial sector. How does this impact hospital community benefit spending and social responsibility? More
Earlier this month, Lown experts Dr. Vikas Saini and Judith Garber were featured on the Relentless Health Value podcast to talk about financial assistance, fair share spending, and why America needs a socially responsible healthcare system. More