What’s the tea on 340B?
If you want to see an epic battle between hospitals and pharma, look no further than the 340B drug discount program. Why is this program so controversial, and what do new studies show about its effectiveness? More
If you want to see an epic battle between hospitals and pharma, look no further than the 340B drug discount program. Why is this program so controversial, and what do new studies show about its effectiveness? More
Hospitals are an outlier among nonprofits when it comes to CEO pay, and hospitals in Los Angeles are no exception. Here's what one union is doing about it... More
Critical Access hospitals serve patients that would otherwise have limited access to healthcare. How do they perform on the Lown Index? Let's take a look... More
How do we reimagine what opportunity looks like for all…and who is accountable for doing that? Watch the recording and read a brief recap of the recent NY Federal Reserve event, Investing in Health and Well-Being More
Academic Medical Centers (AMCs) are affiliated with medical schools and tend to be larger, well-resourced institutions. How do they perform on the Index? Let's take a look... More
Over 3,600 hospitals were evaluated across the nation. Fifty-four earned A’s across the three main categories of equity, value, and outcomes, earning them Honor Roll status. To have a socially responsible healthcare system, we need more hospitals performing better on metrics like pay equity, racial inclusivity, and community investment. So how do we accomplish this goal? More
Hospitals and policymakers have said they want to prioritize health equity, and now they're demanding the same from hospital rankings. How will this change the metrics landscape? More
How can hospitals prevent and reduce medical debt in their communities? A new report from Los Angeles County reveals the extent of medical debt in the city and recommendations for reducing this burden for residents. More
Which hospitals make the grade this year, and how can we improve hospital social responsibility across the board? Join Lown Institute leaders and health policy experts on July 18th as we reveal America’s most socially responsible hospitals and discuss how to build a system where all hospitals can reach their health equity goals. More
A recent investigation found that Allina Health System has been rejecting patients with unpaid medical bills. Why is this allowed, and are other hospitals doing it? More
What can we learn about hospital carbon emissions from the EPA's "Energy Star" program? More
Our latest spotlight features Mount Sinai Hospital in Chicago, which was one of the top hospitals for Fair Share Spending in the nation in 2022. We spoke with Dr. Ngozi Ezike, President and CEO of Sinai Chicago, about Mount Sinai Hospital’s role in the community and their vision for the future. More
Should Medicare pay more for the same service delivered in an outpatient facility when it's owned by a hospital? That's the key question behind the push for site-neutral payments, a policy change that federal and state policymakers are considering. More
Safety net hospitals across the US are closing at a disturbing rate. What's driving this trend, and what's the impact on communities? More
What is the hospital community benefit standard and why is it getting so much attention? If you want to get up to date fast on this key health policy issue, we've got you covered... More
How are hospital finances doing? The short answer is, it depends on the type of hospital... More
Nonprofit hospitals receive substantial tax breaks worth tens of billions each year. But how many hospitals actually give back to communities as much as they receive in tax benefits? More
The Lown Institute has launched a new blog series spotlighting socially responsible hospitals across the nation. For the inaugural piece, the spotlight is on Denver Health. More
Hospitals have recently come under the spotlight for high prices and inadequate community benefit spending-- and now state policymakers are taking action. Here's an update on what's going on in the state hospital policy space. More
A Pennsylvania appellate court recently denied property tax exemptions to four nonprofit hospitals because they were operating more like for-profits. Could other hospitals be next? More